DOT Exams

Your appointment won't be "bumped" or delayed by someone who has a more urgent medical need. Our DOT clinic hours are dedicated to only DOT physical exams; it is our specialty!
All clients have an appointment time which helps keep the focus on you and streamlines the process to get you back on the road again.

We have a nice waiting area with refreshments where you will have a moment to relax and ease your blood pressure.
We help you complete your paperwork and make sure everything is in order.
We guide you through the whole process

We can initiate care, manage medical conditions and prescribe medications should a medical condition become apparent during the exam.
We can coordinate care with your primary care provider or specialist to resolve an issue that could prevent you from passing the exam.
We can provide Telehealth services should you need care when on the road.

Our Process
First, Schedule an appointment
Ahead of Time (Optional): If you like to prepare ahead, you can find our forms and other paperwork online before you arrive.
When you arrive: Check-in to our lounge area, Suite 206
We will get you set up with any paper work or forms that haven’t been completed
We provide you with a discrete labeled urine tray for a non-drug test urinalysis to assess for diabetes and other medical conditions. We have a nice private bathroom for you to do this in.
We assess height, weight, blood pressure, hearing, and vision
Provider reviews your paperwork with you and performs the Physical Exam
Decision Status: Pass or Pending with follow up steps provided.
Complementary Copies of paperwork provided.

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