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Geriatric Primary Care

For older adults with multiple medical conditions, we can look at the big picture to provide advanced care planning, medication reviews and prioritization, care coordination and follow-up with specialists and caregivers, home health and hospice referrals, durable medical equipment orders, supply orders, and more. We are mobile so we can see you at your residence if desired, which can be very beneficial for care coordination and planning.

Geriatric Care is
Heart Shape

Geriatric Care

  • Geriatric care involves helping people that have multiple medical conditions, are on multiple medications, and/or have problems associated with aging such as dementia, incontinence, or osteoporosis.

  • Geriatric care involves looking at the big picture, coordinating with you, your caregivers and family, and your medical specialists, and prioritizing to maximize functioning and well-being.

  • Geriatric care requires being well-versed in medication side-effects and negative effects that can occur when taking multiple medications to prioritize which medications are more helpful and which can be avoided.

  • Pacific Sage Primary Care provides Geriatric Primary Care.

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